United States of Hypocrisy

with Greg Tyzzer

Posts Tagged ‘freedom

Top 10 Reasons the Republican Party is Bad for America

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The following is a list of the top ten reasons I feel the Republican party is bad for our country:

  1. The Republican Party would rather give tax breaks to the rich and make up the difference by increasing taxes on the poor than work toward solving issues such as unemployment and poverty. Where is the logic in making people who don’t have money pay higher taxes than the people who have the most money?
  2. The Republican Party consistently uses religion to back legislation–a clear violation of the first amendment’s protection of freedom of religion.
  3. The GOP has a history of supporting war for war’s sake.
  4. Sarah Palin. ‘Nuff said.
  5. The Republican Party takes a pro-life stance when it comes to abortion, but strongly favors fighting wars, hunting for sport and food, and strongly supports the death penalty. Hypocrite much?
  6. The Republican Party’s actions hint toward wanting a separation of classes.
  7. The GOP wants to cut funding from education–so that middle and lower class families are unable to educate their children.
  8. The Republican Party pretends to love America, but its only interest is lining its own pockets.
  9. Many Republicans refuse to even consider the positions of others on political matters.
  10. Do we really want to put up with another Bush?


As always, comments are welcome.

Freedom of Silence

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If there’s one thing that makes me proud to be an American, it is that I have the freedom to express my opinions openly. If we didn’t have the legal right to say what we want, when we want (as long as what we are saying is true and doesn’t hurt anybody), my blog could be shut down and I could be thrown in jail. There are some things, however, that a lot of people don’t think we should have the right to do. For example, I have the right to burn an American flag in protest against the war. If I did so, though, I would be ridiculed and possibly even sued. I can’t say bad things about the President in public. There are so many other things that we have the right to do to express ourselves, but there are many more bodies that want to limit our freedom.

With so many people fighting to limit free speech, what do we have left?

The time will come, I think, when the most powerful form of protest will be silence. Not the kind of silence where you ignore a situation, but the actual, physical silence of a group of people sitting outside the Capitol, holding hands, but saying nothing. In some ways, I fear this will be our only form of protest available; disagreeing with the government openly will be a crime.

What do you think?